Eugene Friends Meeting

Eugene Friends Meeting

of the Religious Society of Friends ("Quakers")

Sunday October 20, 2024

  • 9 a.m. – Meeting for Worship via zoom, with Afterword, learn more here.
  • 9 a.m. – Sunday Meeting for Worship in person at the Meetinghouse (not hybrid) only takes place on the first Sunday of the month, learn more here.
  • 10:15 a.m. – Singing worship via zoom.
  • 11:00 a.m. – Meeting for Worship in-person at the Meetinghouse (hybrid Meeting has been laid down), learn more here.

Dove line drawing“As an OPEN and AFFIRMING congregation, Eugene Monthly Meeting of Friends [Quakers] celebrates diversity in race, gender, sexual orientation, abilities, age, class, marital status, opinion and religious background. We trust this spiritual leading as we seek new understanding of truth and we welcome all who wish to join us in this search.”

We are an unprogrammed Meeting; that is, we worship in silence with no prepared order of service. There is no clergy. Each person settles into silence to seek inspiration and spiritual guidance. Out of worship, one may be inspired to speak from the heart; this is our ministry. Anyone may give ministry, but it should come from the spiritual depths of the shared silence.

Quakers are known for their commitment to nonviolence and the dynamic struggle for peace and justice in the world. For over 350 years we have been active in reconciliation and opposition to war, the abolition of slavery, women’s rights, ending military conscription, opposition to the death penalty, economic justice, and full rights and protection for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered people.

FOR MANY UNFAMILIAR WITH QUAKERS, the way we speak of our faith and the diversity of belief found among us may be perplexing. Even those who have been among Friends for a while may find it challenging to sort out our theology. This difficulty arises in part from the fact that the Society of Friends is not a single, homogeneous group but a large spiritual family with several branches that have evolved in different directions over the past three centuries. Another part of the challenge in understanding Quaker faith derives from our attitude toward creeds or other formal statements of faith. Friends do not make a written creedal statement the test of faith or the measure of suitability for membership.

One belief that is common to Friends is that there is an Inner Light present in every human heart. Life is holy and the spark of Divine Love is recognizable in everyone if we look for it. We find our task and our joy to be, in the words of our founder George Fox, to “walk cheerfully over the Earth, answering that of God in every one.”

Updated 10/13/2024

eugene-peace-church eugene-quakers quakers-in-eugene-oregon unprogrammed-friends-meeting-eugene-oregon quakers-antisemitism quakers-islamophobia quakers-human-rights quakers-earthcare quakers-climate-change quakers-reparations quakers-plastic-free-minute quakers-plastic-free-challenge friends-in-unity-with-nature quakers-in-unity-with-nature seek-and-play-quaker-childrens-meeting minute-on-conflict-in-gaza