Eugene Friends Meeting

Eugene Friends Meeting

of the Religious Society of Friends ("Quakers")

The purpose of the Giving Gateway Project is to transform relationships between the descendants of the indigenous peoples of North America and the descendants of settlers in the United States of America and Canada.

Do you own property? Click here.

If you have property, you might wish to give to the descendants of the people who once nurtured the land you now own.

You can use this online search tool to find tribes in your area. Native Land Digital crowdsourced maps made by indigenous people.

Not a property owner? Click here.

An income-based payment is a giving option for those who do not own property. You can explore a timeline of structural U.S. government barriers to building wealth in a chart made by United for a Fair Economy.

Gateway to Benefit Organizations

We invite organizations that benefit Native Americans to post a link on this website. Eugene Friends Meeting has made a commitment to foster mutually beneficial relationships with the organizations listed. Benefit organizations are only posted with their consent. Eugene Friends Meeting does not collect or pay out reparation funds. Click the links provided to access the donate and/or volunteer page of each organization you wish to support.

Click to read about Eloheh Indigenous Center for Earth Justice.

Click to read about Toward Right Relationship with Native Peoples.

Eloheh Indigenous Center for Earth Justice

The vision for Eloheh Farm came to Randy Woodley after many years of his and his wife Edith Woodley’s service among their own Indigenous people. “Eloheh” (pronounced Ay-luh-hay) is a Cherokee Indian word meaning harmony, wholeness, abundance and peace.  The Woodleys realized early on, as keepers of their Indigenous traditions, that lasting help for Indigenous people could only come through a Native American spiritual path to wholeness. Along their journey, the Woodleys realized that the Western world needed healing as well, and that both Indigenous and non-Indigenous people’s healing are tied together.

The Eloheh Vision has always centered on a sustainable farm, an Indigenous learning center and an Indigenous spiritual community. This has never changed. 

  1. Eloheh Farm and Seeds: Plant, Grow, Harvest, Share…the future is in our hands! A seed source that is GMO-Free, Heritage Open-Pollinated, Organically-Grown, Farm-Direct. Eloheh Farm is a signatory of the Safe Seed Pledge. Learn more here.
  2. Eloheh Indigenous Center for Earth Justice: will be a learning ground for Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples alike. The Eloheh message is centered on restoring harmony (shalom) by increasing a spiritual consciousness of Creator’s concerns over earth justice. Learn more here.
  3. A Spiritual Community will develop over time as it has wherever the Woodley’s have lived. As always, every project in which they endeavor will be in deference to the host people of the land, the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde. Eloheh Farm and the agricultural and learning center will become a welcome place for all tribes and all peoples, but especially to the surrounding tribal nations. Learn more here.
  4. Eloheh/Eagle’s Wings: Eloheh Indigenous Center for Earth Justice, which includes Eloheh Farm & Seeds, is a 501(c)3 non-profit under the auspices of Eloheh/Eagle’s Wings which began in 1999. Donate Here — Eloheh.

With over 30 years of service and mentoring among North America’s Indigenous peoples, doing regenerative farming and educating non-Indigenous peoples into a more Indigenous worldview, the Woodleys continue to be faithful and ready. The only question that remains is, are you ready to support their incredible life’s work?

Toward Right Relationship with Native Peoples is a program of Friends Peace Teams. Our goal is to build relationships among Native and non-Native communities based on truth, respect, justice, and our shared humanity.  Together, we challenge and support each other to address more than 500 years of genocide, colonization, and forced assimilation of Native peoples.

Who We Are:

Paula Palmer, a member of Boulder Meeting, and Jerilyn DeCoteau, an enrolled member of the Turtle Mountain Chippewa tribe, attorney and educator, founded and direct TRR. They created the Toward Right Relationship workshops, and they have trained more than 100 Native and non-Native people who facilitate the workshops both in-person and online.

To request a TRR program for your meeting or community, please contact

Paula Palmer (L), Jerilyn DeCoteau (R) in 2019

What We Do:

The Toward Right Relationship with Native Peoples (TRR) program:

  • offers educational workshops, slide presentations, sermons, and talks for adults and youth in faith communities, civic organizations, schools, and universities
  • coaches communities as they begin to work toward right relationship among Native and non-Native peoples
  • conducts research and raises awareness of the ongoing impacts of the Indigenous boarding schools (including those operated by Quakers) and ways to support healing
  • provides resources for education and responsible action

TRR workshops (in person and online) include:

Roots of Injustice, Seeds of Change: Toward Right Relationship with Native Peoples: In this 2-hour participatory program, we experience the history of the colonization of Turtle Island, the land now known as the United States.

Re-Discovering America: Understanding Colonization: In this one-hour participatory program, middle and high school students symbolically experience the colonization of our country through the words of Indigenous people, U.S. government leaders, and historians.

The Indigenous Boarding Schools and Multigenerational Trauma: This is a one-hour slide presentation by Jerilyn DeCoteau (Turtle Mountain Chippewa), followed by Q&A and discussion. Jerilyn DeCoteau is past president of the board of directors of the National Native American Boarding School Healing Coalition.

The Quaker Indigenous Boarding Schools: Facing our History and Ourselves: This is a one-hour slide presentation by Friends Paula Palmer, Gail Melix (Herring Pond Wampanoag) and Andrew Grant, followed by worship sharing or discussion. How can Friends reckon honestly with this history and contribute appropriately toward healing today?

Register here for upcoming TRR programs.

To request a TRR program for your meeting or community, please contact .

Donate online here to keep expanding the reach of TRR’s programs (click on the dove and select Toward Right Relationship with Native Peoples) or mail a check to: Friends Peace Teams-TRR, 1001 Park Avenue, St. Louis MO 63104 (please write “TRR” on the memo line).

Beyond the Gateway

The choice to pay reparations can be one step toward a healthy relationship between settlers and indigenous peoples. Eugene Friends Meeting aspires to build a community that reaches beyond reparations. We wish to build a world where these lands are sustained by Quaker and indigenous values.

Updated: 1/21/2024