Eugene Friends Meeting

Eugene Friends Meeting

of the Religious Society of Friends ("Quakers")

Community Continuation Committee

Welcome!  During the COVID-19 pandemic, Eugene Friends Meeting chooses to safeguard the health of individuals in our Meeting and our wider community.  We do so by seeking guidance from our Spirit-led Light Within and by following local, state, and national public health authorities’ recommendations.

Change is Here for In-Person Meeting for Worship and Gatherings in the Meetinghouse! Dear Friends- now that Lane County is in the COVID-19 Low Risk status, the Meetinghouse is now masks and social distancing optional – including our 11:00 a.m. Sunday meeting for worship. Our greeters will continue to set up the Main Meeting Room and other rooms with maximum air circulation and purifiers.

Please respect one another’s personal choices regarding masking and distancing. Consent is good – if in doubt, ask! For example: May I sit next to you? May I shake hands with you? May I give you a hug? We will continue to host our 9:00 a.m. worship via zoom, and our 11 a.m. worship is hybrid, so join us on zoom if you can’t make it in person!

Friends approved these COVID protocol changes at our August 2022 Meeting for Worship for Business. Contact the Clerk if you have questions.

Contact the Community Continuation Committee for more information.

Updated 1/27/2024