Eugene Friends Meeting

Eugene Friends Meeting

of the Religious Society of Friends ("Quakers")

Thanksgiving Every Day 

Alan Gillespie

One of the reasons that early Friends tried to abolish the celebration of holidays was because they believed that every day was a holy day: we shouldn’t need a special Thanksgiving Day because we are giving thanks every day.

Quaker songwriter Jon Watts wrote a blog post titled, “We Don’t Need A Holiday To Give Thanks!” In it he asks:

What if we didn’t need Thanksgiving to remind us to be thankful? What if our gratefulness exuded from us every time we walked out the door, greeted a friend or a stranger, took a breath? 

Life on this beautiful planet is a gift I feel profound gratitude for. Every day, we receive food, water, air, and beauty from the natural world. As a progressive thinker, I am convinced that the gifts of nature are for everyone, and that we have plenty to go around. I refuse to accept a scarcity mindset and all the phobias and conspiracies that go with it. 

When I remember that Truth, my fears and my worries are soothed; I have renewed energy for the work of earthcare, justice and equity. Let’s take what we’ve been given and make it work for the benefit of all!

I want to celebrate the abundance that is around me all the time, because, as Jon Watts says:

“…every moment of this life is such a privilege. And because my life and my impact on those around me is better when I know that.”

Elephant Journal has suggestions for 5 Ways to Thank the Earth on Thanksgiving Day & Any Day

And Harper-Collins lists 7 Ways to Say Thank You to the Earth.

One Response to Thanksgiving Every Day 

  1. Beautiful! Thankful for you and every day in this orb.


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