A slogan on a 350 Eugene shirt that I have says:
1. It’s warming.
2. It’s us.
3. We’re sure.
4. It’s bad.
5. We can fix it.
The Active Hope process is to first ground yourself in reality, and then get inspired to take action.
The reality is that carbon pollution from fossil fuels is warming our planet and throwing natural systems out of balance. The results are severe fires, catastrophic storms, rising seas and flooding, intense droughts and water scarcity, melting polar ice, and declining biodiversity.
So, what inspires us to take action? What do we want to do about climate change this year? We can take individual actions, of course, but we are stronger as a community.
Eugene Friends Meeting has a newly formed Earthcare Action Group, and we are looking for others to join us. What projects could we work on, that would have the most effectiveness?
Perhaps voicing our preferences for the new Forest plan.
Or planting native shrubs across the city.
Or advocating for a fossil free Eugene.
We would love to know what inspires you- send us a photo, poem, or vision that guides you to action for the earth!