Eugene Friends Meeting

Eugene Friends Meeting

of the Religious Society of Friends ("Quakers")

Posts filed under Earth Care

Reality Check

A slogan on a 350 Eugene shirt that I have says: The Active Hope process is to first ground yourself in reality, and then get inspired to take action. The reality is that carbon pollution from fossil fuels is warming our planet and throwing natural systems out of balance. The results are severe fires, catastrophic storms, rising seas… (read more)

A Plan for Active Hope

None of us know what the future holds – what movements might rise up; what a big corporation may suddenly decide to do; what planetary shifts might still occur. But as environmental journalist Arno Kopecky writes in his book “The Environmentalist’s Dilemma”: We are “living on borrowed time. The worst is yet to come.” In a… (read more)

Active Hope

Trusting the Spiral  Active Hope is not wishful thinking. Active Hope is not waiting to be rescued by the Lone Ranger or by some savior. Active Hope is waking up to the beauty of life on whose behalf we can act. We belong to this world. The web of life is calling us forth at this time. We’ve come a long way… (read more)

The Hope that Anchors the Soul 

Those “light glib words of hope” that Thomas Kelly refers to – like wish, desire, expectation, and anticipation – are based on wanting things we do not currently have, and trusting that life will give them to us. This kind of hope can help us to cope in the short term, but often leads to the disappointments of unmet expectations,… (read more)

Thanksgiving Every Day 

One of the reasons that early Friends tried to abolish the celebration of holidays was because they believed that every day was a holy day: we shouldn’t need a special Thanksgiving Day because we are giving thanks every day. Quaker songwriter Jon Watts wrote a blog post titled, “We Don’t Need A Holiday To Give Thanks!” In it… (read more)

Testimony of Gratitude 

Our North Pacific Yearly Meeting Faith and Practice section on Harmony with Creation begins: “The mystery and beauty of the universe reveal their Source. Spiritually and physically nourished by our home, the Earth, we are filled with gratitude and wonder.” Being filled with gratitude and wonder is a start, but where does that good feeling carry us? In November… (read more)

The Haudenosaunee Thanksgiving Address

This First Day at 10:45 a.m., during the outdoor Meeting for Worship, we will recite the Haudenosaunee (pronounced who-DIN-oh-show-nee) Thanksgiving Address Greetings to the World. Please join us! The Haudenosaunee people (also known as the Iroquois) have said that the words of the Thanksgiving Address are their gift to the world and are meant to be shared…. (read more)

Plastic solutions:

It is clear that we cannot solve the plastic crisis simply by changing our buying habits or by recycling “better”. We need legislation. Environmentalists and lawmakers in some states are pushing for legislation that bans single use plastics, and for “bottle bills” which pay customers to bring back their plastic bottles. Oregon and Michigan’s bottle… (read more)