The Earthcare Ministry is under the care of the Peace and Justice Committee of the Eugene Friends Meeting. The Earthcare Coordinator convenes a support meeting on the first Monday of each month and publishes a weekly blog called, Seasonal Reflections on Unity with Nature. Eugene Friends Meeting members have been taking action to care for and restore ecosystems worldwide for decades. The purpose of the support meeting is to encourage each other to take the next steps forward in the lifelong journey of Earthcare based on Quaker testimonies of Simplicity, Peace, Integrity, Community, Equality, and Stewardship.
Contact the Earthcare Coordinator for the support meeting zoom link.
Earthcare Support Group Mission Statements
Support: Share about our individual efforts for earth-care, offer encouragement, and celebrate our successes.
Education: Offer educational opportunities and suggestions for earth-care action, with each other and the Meeting.
Action: Plan and work together on earth-care actions as a community of Friends, under the care of the Peace and Justice Committee.
Seasonal Reflections on Unity with Nature
A journal of Earthcare thought and action for Eugene Friends Meeting. Learn more here.
Eugene Friends Meeting Minute on Reducing Plastics in the World

EFM Earthcare Newsletter Archive
Editor, Cynthia Black, EFM Member
Do you wish for support in your own Earthcare ministry? E-mail us!
Updated 5/23/2024