- Worship
- Ministry
- Nurture
- Outreach
- Winter Retreat 2021, Lamentations
- State of Society Report
Volunteers on the Ministry and Counsel Committee (formerly known as Worship-Ministry-Nurture) provide pastoral care typically provided by a paid minister and ministerial staff. Our fundamental belief about Quaker ministry is that everyone is a potential minister, both in Meeting for Worship and in caring for each other.
The Eugene Friends Meeting gathers for worship on First Days (Sundays) at 9 am on Zoom and at 11am in person. Additionally, on the first Sunday of each month we meet at 9 am for in-person worship. On the second Sunday of each month after rise of 11 AM Meeting, we offer Worship Sharing with queries that allow us to go deeper into our interior spiritual life and share with others. All of our Meetings for Worship are unprogrammed and are open to everyone.
Our Committee cares for the Meeting’s spiritual life. Friends believe in “continuing revelation,” that God or Spirit continues to speak to us and direct us. We offer a clearness committee as a way to aid an individual with discerning the Truth of a message and becoming clear about next steps.
- We convene a clearness committee upon request to help when someone is faced with an important decision or when one feels a “calling” or “leading” to take on a new challenge.
- We convene a clearness committee for membership when a person feels called to join the Religious Society of Friends.
The Care Committee is a subcommittee of Ministry and Counsel. This group of Friends nurtures the everyday needs of individuals in our community and accompanies people through major life events.
- Our community can call on us for help with rides, meals, and other kinds of care. Singing has been a delightful part of this ministry.
- We convene clearness committees for marriages under the care of the Meeting.
- We make arrangements for memorials upon the death of a beloved member of our community.
We nurture two worship groups that are under our care. Umpqua Valley Worship Group in Roseburg and Florence Worship Group. Learn more about these worship groups here.
In order to reach out into the wider community in service, a subcommittee organizes activities for all ages. Attenders and members are encouraged to join this active subcommittee.
We welcome visitors and seekers! Email us
Updated 12/8/2024