For over three centuries Quakers have used the spiritual journal to record their spiritual life and journeys. The ministry and meditations on this page are spiritual insights from individual members or attenders of Eugene Friends Meeting and do not necessarily represent the attitudes, beliefs, or leadings of our Meeting as a whole.
“In meeting for worship individuals gather in prayer and silence, waiting expectantly on the Spirit … Vocal ministry arises out of this silent worship. Vocal ministry is more than a mere urge to share a personal observation. It is a spontaneous outpouring that occurs when an individual experiences inward and outward signs prompting the sharing of a message from the Source … Out of our own experience with the Divine, Friends share insights with fellow worshippers or offer praise or prayer or song. ”
– North Pacific Yearly Meeting Faith & Practice, 3rd Edition 2018
Beyond Death
My being fills the air
As I walk through these rooms
the air moves aside
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Me and Supernova
I want to be transparent to the Inner Light
To see myself, an earthbound constellation…

Is God A Disco Ball?
Since I was very young I have understood the God concept
As all of us together…
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Remember Hopscotch
Remember hopscotch?
The straight lines between each oval, square,
The joy of jumping over them
And springing into the air?
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A New Awareness
I have been working with a new spiritual insight, well, not new, but very vivid and present in a new way. I am opening to awareness of God inside my body and mind, as well as in my soul…
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A Colony of Bats
Indeed! Who am I without you? I come here to go beyond what I can be without reflection.

Contact the webkeeper to post your ministry or meditation on this page
Updated 9/5/2021