FCNL Advocacy Teams: The Friends Committee on National Legislation has created a nation-wide network of Advocacy Teams to engage Friends and peace activists across the country in coordinated efforts to promote FCNL’s legislative priorities. We have five of these teams in Oregon, including one in Eugene/Springfield which includes members from both Eugene Friends Meeting and Eugene Friends Church. FCNL’s priority for this year is ending US complicity in the Saudi-led war in Yemen. If you are interested in learning more about, and possibly joining this team contact the Peace and Justice Committee Clerk.
Quaker Websites and Links for Activists
AFSC-Justice in Palestine and Israel
AFSC-Project Voice Immigrant Rights Program, Portland OR
Issues We Work On | Friends Committee On National Legislation
Quaker Earthcare Witness For Environmental Concerns Committees – QEW
The priorities of the Peace and Justice Committee are aligned with Quaker testimonies and coordinated with the wider Quaker advocacy groups such as the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC), Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL) and Quaker Earthcare Witness (QEW).
- Simplicity – We seek to live in “right relationship” by transcending a narrow calculation of self-interest and weighing the effect of our actions on a global community scale.
- Peace – We advocate for nonviolent engagement and peace building worldwide, but especially in the Middle East, Iran and Afghanistan to prevent, de-escalate, and resolve longstanding conflicts.
- Integrity – We call for a transformation of the current criminal legal system in these United States. We join the public outcries for racial justice and policing reform. We recognize that there is significant difference between white people’s experiences and the experiences of people of color based on history, power, and privilege.
- Community – We believe that local, state and national governance of our country works best when all of our citizens feel empowered and are involved in our democracy on a free, fair, and equal basis.
- Equality – We work for inclusive, equitable policies and practices that promote safety and freedom for all; including immigrants, people of color, Muslims and other religious groups, young people, and LGBTQ people.
- Stewardship – We believe is our moral obligation, to each other and future generations, to address climate change and protect vulnerable communities.
The Peace and Justice Committee makes annual recommendations for Eugene Friends Meeting to foster our testimonies through annual donations of time and treasure. Our Meeting contributes to the efforts of the following worthy organizations:
AFSC-Project Voice Immigrant Rights Program, Portland OR
AFSC-Justice in Palestine and Israel
Catholic Community Services of Lane County
Center for Dialog and Resolution
Community Alliance of Lane County
Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon
Friends World Committee for Consultation
Showing Up for Racial Justice-SURJ Eugene-Springfield, OR
School of the Americas Watch-Education Fund
Interfaith Food Hub @ First Christian Church. Eugene, OR
Wellsprings Friends School, Eugene, OR
White Bird Clinic, Eugene, OR
Womenspace, Eugene, OR
We encourage members and attenders to:
- Write regularly to elected representatives on issues of concern.
- Write letters to editors of local newspapers (EW, RG) on peace and social justice priorities.
- Participate with like-minded organizations and individuals in demonstrations on behalf of our priorities (see list below).
- Participate in activities to provide shelter, food and basic services to the homeless (see list below).
- Participate in presentations and book discussions organized by this committee. Learn more.
Essays from EFM
Peace Corps Iran Association
Advocacy Bulletin
Editor, Paul B., EFM Attender
Go to the Earthcare Webpage here.
Go to the Reparations Webpage here.
Go to the Unity with Nature Blog here.
Updated 1/27/2024